Some members decide to arrive a day early to enjoy Free Time on their own. Members must call the site to inform they are arriving early or staying late.
- Free Time might be card games, golf, fishing, reading, resting, or visiting area attractions.
Members arrive to the site throughout the day.
- 3:00 pm: Happy hour starts at the site Club House
-- Conversation, card games. (Bring snacks & drinks)
- 6:00 pm: Potluck dinner
- After dinner, Free Time
Morning meeting, then camaraderie throughout the day.
-8:30 am: Breakfast provided and prepared by the Hosts
-9:15 am: Business meeting (This is called by the President 4 times per year)
- 50/50 raffle
- Free Time
- Explore the local town attractions
- Lunch on your own
- Free Time
- Explore the local town attractions
- 3:00 pm: Happy hour (Bring snacks and drinks)
- 6:00 pm: Dinner provided by the Hosts
- Free Time
Members start to prepare to leave
- 8:30 am: Breakfast and club house clean up
-9:30 am: Breakfast cleanup & safe travels
We meet Saturday morning at 8:30am during our campout weekend. The club President conducts four official meetings a year; January, June; September; November.
Annual: $10 per rig. Note: “rig” is you, your vehicle, your camper, your RV.
Per campout: $25 per rig
There is a primary and alternate host for each campout. Members ARE NOT expected to host their first year. Responsibilities include:
Bring their $25 dues on Rally Friday (or Saturday morning) to the Club Treasurer.
Bring their personal plates , utensils and beverage of choice for each meal.
Have you opened a new location, redesigned your shop, or added a new product or service? Don't keep it to yourself, let folks know.
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.